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Old Jun 20, 2009, 12:23 AM // 00:23   #1
Desert Nomad
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Default Why do you continue play and or post?

Let me just say I am not in a good mood tonight. If you care to know why, it is in the off topic forum, if not I will proceed. Why do all you people who constantly complain about Guild Wars, and about ANET's decisions with their game continue to play or post? Why not just move on to another game that will satisfy your needs in a game?

Excuse me tonight, I am not quite with it.

Last edited by Rocky Raccoon; Jun 20, 2009 at 12:43 AM // 00:43..
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Old Jun 20, 2009, 12:32 AM // 00:32   #2
über těk-nĭsh'ən
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the people who complains the most are often the ones that care the most about the game. GW is by far the best game i've ever played; BUT, it can be much better. especially, i'd hate to have this game be dragged down by shoddy dev support.

that, and there's no other game out there that plays like GW. until one shows up, i guess i'll just keep complaining.
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Old Jun 20, 2009, 12:35 AM // 00:35   #3
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Because it gives me something to do.
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Old Jun 20, 2009, 12:35 AM // 00:35   #4
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Because this game actually used to be fun, and has gotten close to being balanced properly (see LoD meta) but then anet finds a way to screw it all up. So by making our voices heard we are hoping there is an off chance they will actually listen and make the game as fun as it can be. And the reason we don't move on is because this is the best thing out there even in the state it is in, and we want it to improve and be the best it can be.
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Old Jun 20, 2009, 12:35 AM // 00:35   #5
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A lot of us have actually moved on or have quit GW and are in between games. We complain because we did actually care about GW at one time and it's disappointing how craptastic they've become.

I imagine we keep posting 'cause we don't have much else better to do.
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Old Jun 20, 2009, 12:36 AM // 00:36   #6
Desert Nomad
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Originally Posted by moriz View Post
the people who complains the most are often the ones that care the most about the game. GW is by far the best game i've ever played; BUT, it can be much better. especially, i'd hate to have this game be dragged down by shoddy dev support.

that, and there's no other game out there that plays like GW. until one shows up, i guess i'll just keep complaining.
This is the kind of reply I would hope I would get.

EDIT: Is their really anyone who posts that really thinks ANET doesn't care about GW!? Does that make any sense from a business point of view?

Last edited by Rocky Raccoon; Jun 20, 2009 at 12:41 AM // 00:41..
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Old Jun 20, 2009, 12:45 AM // 00:45   #7
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As already stated, people complain and whine because they care. Nobody that takes the time to post on here constantly, hates the game.
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Old Jun 20, 2009, 12:49 AM // 00:49   #8
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Some complain because they have nothing better to do at the moment in Guild Wars. Others complain because they want the game to be better. Sometimes you really have to look at what is mindless ranting or constructive criticism when people post on the forums.
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Old Jun 20, 2009, 12:50 AM // 00:50   #9
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Originally Posted by Apollo Smile View Post
As already stated, people complain and whine because they care. Nobody that takes the time to post on here constantly, hates the game.
Although that may be true, sometimes the way people project on this forum could be very hurtful to those who work on the game. Is anyone who plays this game that is perfect and does not screw up from time to time?
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Old Jun 20, 2009, 12:58 AM // 00:58   #10
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Originally Posted by Empress Amarox View Post
A lot of us have actually moved on or have quit GW and are in between games. We complain because we did actually care about GW at one time and it's disappointing how craptastic they've become.

I imagine we keep posting 'cause we don't have much else better to do.
This. Also, I'm continue to browse/post here in hopes that I'll discover something new that will get me re interested in Guild Wars, or to discuss GW2.
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Old Jun 20, 2009, 01:36 AM // 01:36   #11
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I believe that folks who 1)complain but offer something useful care...kinda. Others 2) just whine at every turn. ANet doesn't care...all its for is profits..this should be free etc.

I agree the second type should find something they else enjoy or make a constructive crit.
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Old Jun 20, 2009, 01:44 AM // 01:44   #12
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That's why I don't get along with people on guru. I actually still play the game. *smacks himself in the forehead*
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Old Jun 20, 2009, 01:49 AM // 01:49   #13
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Originally Posted by Empress Amarox View Post
A lot of us have actually moved on or have quit GW and are in between games. We complain because we did actually care about GW at one time and it's disappointing how craptastic they've become.

I imagine we keep posting 'cause we don't have much else better to do.
This, and it's easier to criticize people than to praise them.
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Old Jun 20, 2009, 01:49 AM // 01:49   #14
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the forum is more entertaining than the game
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Old Jun 20, 2009, 02:01 AM // 02:01   #15
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I still post and play simply because I actually have a true love for Guild Wars as a game. Others are perhaps spoiled, but even if its not perfect, Guild Wars IS one of THE BEST games I've ever played!
As for posting, the internet exists for for two reasons:
1. As a sophisticated resource of information.
2. For lulz

I make my forum experiences a mix between serious discussions and intentionally setting up retarded situations in order to invoke a giant lulz fest.
Sometimes making a fool out of yourself can be fun.
Best part is that nobody realizes it!
Even after a suspicious pattern of actions are made, or has ever found a supposed split personality to have something up (Especially with spelling )

Originally Posted by Alexander Burn Victim View Post
it's easier to criticize people than to praise them.
Hence why I exist. It's fun to satisfy people as a punch bag. And people either play along or join in the chaos simply because of the human satisfaction to criticizing one else or arguing.

But really, what else until GW2? Still one whole year left, and 4chan sucks for trolling.
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Old Jun 20, 2009, 02:01 AM // 02:01   #16
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The game still entertains me to a degree, so I play it. The reason I come to the forum is to discuss with others how ANet could improve their game in hopes that they eventually will do something to bring the game back to a state of play that we will enjoy more than we do now.
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Old Jun 20, 2009, 02:30 AM // 02:30   #17
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I don't play guildwars like I used to, but it is still a fun game to come back to every once in a while. A game loses it's lust after you get into it hardcore like most of you guys do. If you take breaks from the game (if its to play another game or not one at all) for a few months, and then come back in little short waves the game seems so much better, Don't know how to describe it. It also seems so much better to generally ignore everyone in the game but your guild and friends whether they be friends online only or IRL. When you constantly interact with the community of this game (with random people everyday) it brings your attitude and outlook on the game down drastically and turns you into another zombie repeating the same thing over again "nerf this dont nerf that, use this build, don't use that build" because everyone always has an opinion or idea about something in the game that they want everyone else to listen to and follow.

Guildwars is an awesome MMO

Buildwars is just Guildwars with a stale community that uses wiki builds, tries to dictate what anet does with skill balances in guildwarsguru posts, and generally cries about any possible update that is released because they think other people should care.

Now back to your question: Doesn't apply to me because I don't whine like 99% of the people here.

Can anyone tell me where the aspect of originality is in the Guildwars community today?

Last edited by Bob Slydell; Jun 20, 2009 at 02:34 AM // 02:34..
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Old Jun 20, 2009, 02:31 AM // 02:31   #18
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Originally Posted by Risky Ranger View Post
This is the kind of reply I would hope I would get.

EDIT: Is their really anyone who posts that really thinks ANET doesn't care about GW!? Does that make any sense from a business point of view?
There is a large difference between the loving the game they crafted and making decisions about the future of the game that might seem contrary to the original vision of Guild Wars that they offered us.

ArenaNet/NCsoft is there to make money, no money, no Anet. Concepts like Skill being greater than Time... the lack of grind... all washed away update after update, sometimes catering to the demands of whiny forum go'ers, sometimes seemingly just to push units (sell the next chapter/expansion, hello EotN).

That being said, some people in Anet do genuinely seem to care, the live team can't be getting paid enough to do their workload and put up with the crap that the community dishes out, it has to be a labor of love.

So caring about Guild Wars and the desire to maintain profitability for the company, all the while try to sate the needs of their varied (and often quite retarded) user base... these things don't always seem to coincide.

I'll stop there before I drift off into nostalgia about how things used to be, pre-Factions...
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Old Jun 20, 2009, 02:32 AM // 02:32   #19
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Originally Posted by Risky Ranger View Post
Let me just say I am not in a good mood tonight. If you care to know why, it is in the off topic forum, if not I will proceed. Why do all you people who constantly complain about Guild Wars, and about ANET's decisions with their game continue to play or post? Why not just move on to another game that will satisfy your needs in a game?
As stated, the most vocal members of the community are those that want the game to be improved - whether they agree with the current state of the game or not. In any case, there's certainly no rule that you have to like the game to be able to post.

Obviously these players aren't going to sugarcoat their replies. Quite honestly, the developers are big people and don't need that kind of thing. Even so, the CR team is meant to act as the buffer for the devs, and human pinata for angry fan comments. I didn't make this thread to invite the CR team to a tea party with hugs, oh no, I made it so I could forum-lash them and get everyone worked up into a decent discussion that might draw some attention and thought.

Oh, and I sort of hoped ANet might actually do something.
And the heavens shall tremble.
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Old Jun 20, 2009, 02:35 AM // 02:35   #20
Desert Nomad
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Originally Posted by Risky Ranger View Post
Let me just say I am not in a good mood tonight. If you care to know why, it is in the off topic forum, if not I will proceed. Why do all you people who constantly complain about Guild Wars, and about ANET's decisions with their game continue to play or post? Why not just move on to another game that will satisfy your needs in a game?

Excuse me tonight, I am not quite with it.
And why do you come here and post complaining about the complainers? Why don't you just play your silly game and leave the feedback and complaints to those that wish to do so?

Makes you just as bad as what you complain about.

Everybody complains in life boy it's just a way of life.
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